June 5-8, 2023

Malibu, California

LEAD for Farmed Animals: Leadership at All Levels

Skill building for farmed animal advocates

LEAD is a free to low-cost intensive training ground for farmed animal advocates.

Join us June 5-8 in Malibu for LEAD 2023, a collaborative, welcoming space for farmed animal advocates to boost our skills in specific areas.

Learning together in small groups, LEAD attendees will grow our mastery of these topics, develop into stronger leaders, and form lasting connections that will make us more impactful and resilient advocates.


Factory farming causes immense suffering and exists within deep-rooted systems of injustice. Creating a new food system in which animals, people, and the planet may thrive requires investing in ourselves as leaders. If we are to succeed, we’ll need more than surface-level trainings. We need to dig in, get our hands dirty, and become the very best at what we do!

LEAD aims to be a space for the kind of learning and growth that will transform our daily work, our careers, and our capacity to create the world we envision for animals.

What can I expect?

LEAD attendees can expect to leave with a new level of knowledge and mastery of a specific subject that they can immediately apply to their day-to-day work—and see improved results.

They will build relationships with other advocates doing similar work within our movement—connections that will continue to be mutually supportive long after LEAD is over!

LEAD 2023 is a four-day event designed to provide in-depth training on two topics identified as major opportunity areas for our movement: organizational health and movement building.

When applying, attendees will select one of the two topics to explore in a workshop and will remain with their small workshop group for all of LEAD.

Explore LEAD’s Workshops

Workshops are capped at 40 participants each and are led by external trainers with deep expertise in social justice activism. Trainers will undergo pre-event preparation to ensure they understand our movement’s unique needs.

Optimizing Capacity by Cultivating Organizational Health

Building a People-Powered Movement for Animals

Come Learn With Us

All 80 LEAD attendees (both workshop cohorts) will spend four days staying, learning, dining, and socializing together at Pepperdine University.

LEAD is an “all-inclusive” event that comprises lodging, workshops, fun activities, and three daily vegan meals.